**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Borja Ashley**

**1. What are the delivery times for Borja Ashley products?**
- The standard delivery time is a maximum of 15 days. However, this may vary depending on the type of product and the destination. Some products may be delivered more quickly based on your place of residence.

**2. How can I track my order?**
- As soon as your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link. Use this link to monitor the real-time progress of your package.

**3. What should I do if my order takes longer than expected to arrive?**
- We strive to adhere to the announced delivery times. However, if your order takes longer than expected, please contact us via our contact form or at [your email address] for immediate assistance.

**4. Do you offer international delivery?**
- Yes, we deliver our products internationally. Please note that additional delivery times may apply depending on the destination.

**5. Can I return a product if I am not satisfied?**
- Yes, we accept returns within 30 days of receiving the product. Refer to our return policy for more information on the return procedure.

**6. How can I pay for my order on Borja Ashley?**
- We accept payments by credit/debit card and PayPal. Simply choose the option that suits you best during payment.

**7. How can I modify the details of my order after placing it?**
- If you need to modify the details of your order, please contact us promptly through our contact form or at borjaashleystore@gmail.com.

**8. How can I contact Borja Ashley's customer service?**
- Our customer service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. You can reach us by using our contact form on the website or by sending an email to borjaashleystore@gmail.com.